Southeast Connector Phase 2; Washoe RTC
Innovative Contracting and Engineering provided ICE services for the Southeast Connector Phase II project. This project included the new alignment of roadway including: volumetric mitigation, hazardous material mitigation, construction of roadway cross section and construction of 5 bridge structures. Services provided by our team included production-based cost estimating, construction scheduling, participation in the risk analysis/risk mitigation meetings, and helping the RTC successfully negotiate a fair market price for the GMP. At the initial GMP bid, the Contractor’s bid was $172 million, ICE was $148 million, and the engineer was at $143 million. ICE recommended that the RTC require an audit of the contractor’s bid. Our ICE team audited the contractor’s bid and found duplications, errors and inefficiencies. Because of our audit, we helped RTC negotiate a final GMP of $152 million…saving the project over $20 million!